COVID-19 and Children
It is important for children to still wear cloth face coverings in public places, such as the grocery store, where it's difficult to avoid close contact with others. However, facemasks should not be a substitute for social distancing. Do not put masks on children under 2 years of age.
Also help children stay healthy by encouraging them to wash their hands frequently. Wash your hands with your child to show him or her how it's done. To prevent rushing, suggest washing hands for as long as it takes to sing the "Happy Birthday" song twice. If your child can't reach the sink on his or her own, keep a step stool handy.
Be sure to supervise young children using alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Swallowing alcohol-based sanitizers can cause alcohol poisoning. Store the container safely away after use.
While considering schooling in the fall, learn what protocols your child’s school would have in place. For Covid-19, studies suggest school closures would prevent less than 5% of deaths. Since children rarely spread the disease, it may be safe for them to return to school following safety protocols.
The majority of covid-19 cases in children are mild, resembling a cold, or are asymptomatic. Many researchers are now believing that children are less effected by Covid-19 because of the healthy condition of their blood vessels compared to adults. Covid-19 infects the endothelial cells, which line blood vessels in the body. This can cause inflammation and can lead to clotting. If these blood vessels are already damaged due to high blood pressure or high cholesterol, Covid-19 has a much easier time causing havoc.
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) is a condition seen in children who’ve had Covid-19. Most children so far are over 5yrs old, and it seems a household member had Covid-19 several weeks before the onset of MIS-C. Symptoms can include fever, vomiting, rash, neck pain, bloodshot eyes, and others. Not all children will present the same.
Parents should seek emergency care right away if your child is showing any of these emergency warning signs of MIS-C or other concerning signs: trouble breathing, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, bluish lips or face, and severe abdominal pain.
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