Blog Archive
We’re in the thick of the worst flu season since 2009, according to Axios News. The CDC is expecting up to 51 million cases this season, which runs from October to May. Last year, about 40 million people were ill with the flu. As you've probably heard, the best way...
As the snow melts (outside of California), kids everywhere are gearing up for the spring sports season. Whether your child plays volleyball, softball, soccer, or some other spring sport, they’ll most likely need an updated sports physical to play on their school team. According to board-certified pediatrician Sima Stein, MD,...
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is not one virus but a collection of about 40 types that cause infection in the genitals. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States. It's so common that it's less likely not to get HPV than it is to get HPV if...
No one wants to see their child sick. Figuring out what to do to help them feel and get better soon is part of your job as a parent. Should you wait for an appointment with your primary care doctor? Rush to the emergency room? Or is this an illness...
The number of people diagnosed with an STD, or sexually transmitted disease, has increased steadily over the last decade, except when cases of chlamydia dipped due to COVID-19. STDs, also called STIs or sexually transmitted infections, in some cases, have no symptoms. So, the only way you know if you...
Congratulations on your newborn! You’re probably excited and nervous at the same time – and have lots of questions about the best way to care for your baby. A common question among new parents is whether they should breastfeed their baby or use formula. While the American Academy of Pediatrics...
No parent likes to see their child uncomfortable or sick. Unfortunately, one of the most common childhood illnesses is an ear infection. On average, young children experience about eight colds a year, and about half of all children develop one by their second birthday. Fortunately, this painful condition becomes less...
When your children become teenagers, your set of worries changes. No longer are you concerned about them falling down or sleeping through the night. Instead, you might worry about who they’re spending time with, if they’re driving safely, or experimenting with things they shouldn’t be. Your goal is to raise...
As your child grows, you probably wonder if they’re growing and developing at the rate they should be. Maybe your neighbor's child is talking earlier than your child. Does that mean your child is delayed or has a learning issue? Probably not. Every child develops at a different rate. Developmental...
Are your child’s sniffles and watery eyes due to illness or allergies? No one wants to see their child suffer, so the sooner you can figure it out, the sooner you can address the issue and get your child on the road to recovery. Fortunately, there are a few ways...
You may wonder if traveling with your kids overseas is worth the money and hassle. The answer is yes. While they may not remember the details of the trip, depending on their age, the impression of experiencing different cultures will affect them. One education expert says that meeting people who...
While most people look forward to the snow melting and the warmer weather coming in just a few months, spring isn’t necessarily a sign of good news for everyone. About 25% of adults and 20% of children have seasonal allergies. Springtime allergies, also known as hay fever and allergic rhinitis,...
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...
Most parents are filled with joy — and, ironically — worry as soon as their child is born. Are they eating enough? Are they sleeping enough? Should they be crawling or sitting or speaking by now? Every child develops at their own pace, but certain developmental milestones should be happening...
Getting to the doctor’s office with a sick child can be difficult. First, getting your sick, tired, unwell child out of bed, dressed, and into your car can be a challenge in itself. Secondly, parking and walking in the cold (at this time of year) can make your child feel...
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, more commonly known as ADHD, is a neurodevelopmental disorder marked by inattention, impulsive behavior, and hyperactivity that interferes with functioning and development. It’s a very common condition, with about 6 million children diagnosed with it in the US. Since it’s normal for children to have trouble...
Developmental and behavioral screening can help identify developmental delays or behavior problems that may require further testing. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends developmental screening for children at 9 months, 18 months, and 30 months, and then as necessary. The benefit of regular early testing is that if a...
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also called sexually transmitted infections (STIs), are widespread in the United States, with more than 20 million new cases occurring every year and more than 1.2 million people living with HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus. An STD is an infection from sexual activity, including oral, anal,...
We are excited to announce that the flu shot is now available for individuals of all ages at our office. Keeping yourself and your loved ones protected from the flu is crucial, and we're here to make it easier than ever for you to get vaccinated. But that's not all - we...
Think of telemedicine, also called telehealth, as the new house call. While doctors these days rarely visit your home when you’re sick, they can treat you via video conference without you having to leave your home – much like the house calls of old. With telemedicine, you only need a reliable...
Immigrating to the United States is an exciting, multi-step process. One crucial step in the process involves the immigration medical exam, also called the green card medical examination, which is required for all children immigrating to the U.S. The first step to obtaining an immigration medical exam is to find a...
Any child can develop allergies at any age. The most common type of allergy in children is hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis. Other common allergens are food and indoor irritants, such as mold and dust. If you suspect that your child may have allergies, it's important to consult with...
Congratulations on your new baby! Although you have probably been planning to care for your newborn for at least nine months, you may be a little nervous now that the time is here. Don't worry! Pediatrician Sima Stein, MD, of Stein Pediatrics in San Jose, California, understands what it's like...
When it comes to your children’s health, one of the most important things you can do is to choose a good pediatrician. Choosing the right pediatrician can be difficult, especially if you plan on staying with the same one as your child grows up. Sima Stein, MD, in the Bay...
Sima Stein, MD wishing you a Happy Holidays! We look forward to seeing you soon. We hope you have a safe and healthy holiday.
Hello everyone, There is currently a large scale of epidemic of influenza, RSV, COVID19, and other viral infections. We offer both rapid antigen testing, precise PCR testing, and COVID19 and flu vaccinations for all ages. We have both intramuscular and nasal vaccinations to protect you from the flu. Remember the...
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at Dr Stein's office. We're thankful for you and all of our patients! We wish you a safe and wonderful holiday. Sincerely,Sima Stein, MD
Greetings from Dr Stein’s office! There is an epidemic of severe viral diseases such as the Influenza, RSV, Parainfluenza and COVID-19. In order to make prompt and correct diagnosis and provide accurate treatment, rapid and PCR testing is essential and available at our office please call (408) 292-0100 to schedule...
Congratulations Dr. Stein for recieving the top doctor in California award!
Convenient office hours 8:00 - 5:30pm and some Saturdays, Give us a call today to schedule your appointment!
We have very exciting news! We are happy to announce that Covid-19 Vaccines have been approved for ages 6 months - 4 years old. We are administering both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for your convenience! Join the fight against Covid-19 & give us a call today to schedule your appointment...
CDC has confirmed multiple cases of Monkeypox that have been reported in the United States, Symptoms of monkeypox virus can include: Fever Headache Muscle aches and backache Swollen lymph nodes Chills Exhaustion A rash that can look like pimples or blisters that appears on the face, inside the mouth,...
We have very exciting news! We are happy to announce that Covid-19 Vaccines have been approved for ages 6 months - 4 years old. We are administering both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for your convenience! Join the fight against Covid-19 & give us a call today to schedule your appointment...
Call us today to schedule an appointment for: -Covid Boosters -Covid Vaccines for 12 years and over -Covid Vaccines for 5 - 11 years - Antigen Testing -PCR Testing We accept all eligible patients, new and returning!
These particular patients have shown difficulty in adapting to preventative measures caused by the covid-19 pandemic, which can lead to, less economic success, negative impacts on behavioral, emotional and perceptual skills, as well as social isolation, motivation difficulties, and difficulty engaging with online learning. If you feel that your...
You have Covid-19 symptoms, even if you recovered from Covid-19 within the past 90 days or are up to date with you Covid-19 vaccines. You tested positive for Covid-19: Do not travel until a full 10 days after your symptoms started or the date your positive test was taken if...
Not sure if you qualify for a booster? We got you! Read below to find CDC’s Covid-19 vaccination guidelines for Pfizer: 5-11 years old: 2 Doses, 3 weeks apart (Booster - 5 months after 2nd dose) 12+ years old: 2 doses 3-8 weeks apart (Booster - 5 months after 2nd dose) *Adults...
Children with eczema have a higher risk in developing allergies. Common allergens include: peanuts, egg, cow’s milk, soy, wheat, sesame, shellfish and tree nuts. Parents can introduce a single allergen at a time but should avoid prolonging the introduction of new foods. Continue feeding allergens routinely once introduced. Regular allergen...
We are offering free physical exams for all pediatric refugees this include: -Vaccinations on site -Vaccine Translation -Discounted lab rates -Free Health Examination -Vision & hearing test Give us a call today to schedule an appointment!
Ear wax is normal and has more than one purpose, -Protects the ear canal from bacteria and germs that can cause an infection. -Keeps out dust, dirt and other particles from entering the ear canal. -Serves as a waterproof liner. Did you know that ear canals are self-cleaning? Ear wax...
What does a physical exam include? In general, the standard physical exam typically includes: Vital signs: blood pressure, breathing rate, pulse rate, temperature, height, and weight. Vision & hearing test, Head, eyes, ears, nose and throat exam: inspections, palpation, and testing, as appropriate This is a also an...
We continue to vaccinate against Covid-19! We urge everyone to protect themself, Covid-19 vaccines for effective, safe and free. Get ready for Covid 19 vaccinations for age groups under 5 years! Call us today to schedule an appointment for: -Covid Boosters -Covid Vaccines for 12 years and over -Covid Vaccines...
Allergies happen when your immune system overreacts to substances called allergens. When this happens your body releases a chemical called histamines, and you starts to develop a variety of uncomfortable symptoms. Common Allergens can be described as: -Dust Mites: Tiny creatures found in bedding and carpets. -Pet dander: Proteins found...
We are offering: -Vaccinations on site -Vaccine Translation -Discounted lab rates -Free Health Examination Give us a call today to schedule an appointment!
Anemia can go unnoticed as symptoms are mild. However, as the anemia worsens the signs and symptoms intensify. Check you child for these signs: Easy Fatigue or Weakness Acting cranky or irritable Chest pain, shortness of breath Pale skin Headaches, dizziness or lightheadedness Cold hands and feet Brittle Nailes Crazings...
We Provide Evaluations for Newborn Rashes, Common rashes may be: Milia- Affects 40% ; Tiny white pappules on face This can be due to keratin and secretion on the sebaceous glad. These typically present on day 1 of life on the areas of the nose and cheecks. Resolves after 7-14...
Introduction It is critical for schools to open as safely and as quickly as possible for in-person learning. Schools play an important role in children’s educational achievement, health, and wellbeing. Working with state, tribal, local, and territorial health officials, schools can also play an important role in slowing the spread...
Average Weight for Newborns● Birth Weight of 7.5 lbs is average.● 8 out of 10 babies born full-term weight between 5 lb., 11.5 oz and 8 lb., 5.75 oz. Low birth Weight is defined as less than 2500 grams which is 5.5lb Weight Gain Timeline...● During first few days of...
Fainting in pediatric patients: ”Fainting (syncope) is a sudden, brief loss of consciousness during which the person falls to the ground or slumps in a chair followed by a return to consciousness. The person is motionless and limp and usually has cool legs and arms, a weak pulse, and shallow...
Cow’s milk Official guidelines recommend parents hold off until babies are between nine and 12 months old before introducing cow's milk. Prior to that, it's not an appropriate substitute for breastmilk or formula. Most babies can begin consuming dairy foods around 6 months of age — after a few first...
Why is iron important for children? Iron helps move oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and helps muscles store and use oxygen. If your child's diet lacks iron, he or she might develop a condition called iron deficiency. Iron deficiency in children is a common problem....
What Does Vitamin D Do? Vitamin D helps your child build strong bones and prevent rickets. Rickets is a condition of softening of the bones that can occur in growing children. When Does My Child Need Vitamin D? And How Much? All children need vitamin D beginning shortly after birth....
First and Foremost Your baby is going through a lot of changes right nowand so is his/her skin. It is important to notice changeson your little one’s skin but it is especially important tokeep in mind that many odd changes may be normal. Concerns Fever Weeping/drainage Open wounds Surrounding redness...
It is important for children to still wear cloth face coverings in public places, such as the grocery store, where it's difficult to avoid close contact with others. However, facemasks should not be a substitute for social distancing. Do not put masks on children under 2 years of age. Also...
With newborn skincare, the adage is "less is more." Once-a-week sponge baths are best for newborns with the cord still attached. Resist the urge to bathe your baby frequently. Too-frequent bathing – more than three times per week during the first year of life – removes the natural oils that...
Symptoms typically include dry, scaly skin with red patches that may weep. It is often on the cheeks and forehead of infants but may present anywhere on the body. In many cases, the itching caused by eczema can be severe. Eczema symptoms tend to come and go, but many children...
What to look for? Children aged 4-7 years tend to express stress through regression, such as bed wetting or temper tantrums, and separation anxiety. In the 7-10 age group, children can pick up on stress from those around them and may become fearful for their own health or loved ones....
All newborns should be seen by a pediatric healthcare provider shortly after hospital discharge (3 to 5 days of age). Every effort should be made to conduct newborn follow-up visits in person, even amongst Covid-19. This is important to be able to evaluate for dehydration and jaundice in the baby...
Inform families of these 5 medicine safety tips Keep all medicine out of children’s reach and sight, even medicine that family members take every day. Kids are naturally curious and can easily get into things, like medicine and vitamins, if they are kept in places within their reach. Remember child-resistant packaging...
A pediatric feeding disorder (PFD) is defined as “impaired oral intake that is not age-appropriate, and is associated with medical, nutritional, feeding skill, and/or psychosocial dysfunction.” At the International Pediatric Feeding Disorder Conference, PFD’s were discussed for their occurrence in children with autism and how it can mask medical issues...
Children and their friends Limit Social Interactions: The key to slowing the spread of COVID-19 is to limit contact as much as possible. If you have play dates, keep the groups small. Encourage older children to hang out in a small group and to meet outside rather than inside. It’s...
The best way to disinfect hard surfaces includes using household bleach. You can prepare a bleach solution by: Mixing 5 tablespoons (⅓ cup) of bleach with 1 gallon of water or… 4 teaspoons of bleach with 1 quart of water If you don’t have bleach, don’t worry. There are many...
My dear patients, during this difficult time my office and I, will continue to provide you and your family with the best care as it has been for many years. There are some changes: Appointments Appointments are available in the office and also via Telehealth. The hours of operation remain...
Take steps to protect yourself Clean your hands often Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer...
CONGRATULATIONS! We wish you all a great school year. If you are having any academic trouble, please come see us! (408) 292-0100
Truth is, it's okay to let them make their own entertainment. Avoid giving them too much choice. Research found out that kids are entertained longer if they are given one toy at a time and not the whole bag at once. Something as simple as a notebook and pen will...
For fast and reliable services, please give us a call and schedule an appointment today! Phone Number : (408) 292-0100
Malaria occurs in many countries including Africa, South and Central America, Asia, Eastern Europe, parts of the Carribean and the South Pacific. Every year, about 1700 cases of Malaria occur among U.S. travelers. Please call and let us know when you plan to travel. (408) 292 - 0100
Before international travel: Make sure you’re protected against measles Measles outbreak is common in many countries including Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Currently, many countries are experiencing measles outbreaks; this includes many popular travel destinations like Israel, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Ukraine, the Philippines, and more. The best way to...
Why are people so hesitant when it comes to vaccines? A good explanation could be because of all the campaigns, publications, or websites vocalizing anti-vaccination movements and they influence the risk perception of vaccinations. This affects the vaccination rates. Although, the overall percentage of parents who completely refuse vaccines is...
Annual physicals are crucial to keeping children healthy, to monitor their growth, development, and health status and to prevent potential problems. An annual exam is crucial in order to identify any behavioral or cognitive problems for example, being distracted or disruptive in class or poor eyesight.